5 Facts About Your Plumbing System Every New Homeowner Should Know
Purchasing a home is a significant milestone for everyone, whether their first or fifth. However, there are some critical points to remember regarding the plumbing system for a first-time homeowner. While it is not required to be an expert in every aspect of plumbing, it may be beneficial and cost-effective to learn some fundamental knowledge. Consider the following five critical pieces of knowledge about the ins and outs of plumbing in a new home:
1. Leaky pipes are perhaps the most common source of plumbing problems.
This is critical information, as you may not always be aware of a leak, especially if it is a slow one. While a leak may not immediately harm your plumbing system, over time, the leaking water may cause damage to not just your physical home but also to your wallet and the pipes themselves. As a result, it is critical to understand what to look for and prevent leaky pipes. Calcium deposits, often white or pink, surrounding lines indicate that water is leaking. Blue and green stains indicate the presence of mold, which is frequently generated by an excess of moisture, most likely via a leak. Check cabinets and basements weekly, particularly those not visible, for any signs of developing leaks.
2. A leaking toilet is frequently overlooked until the water bill arrives.
Because a toilet foundation is usually enclosed in a tight sealant, it is not always obvious when a toilet is leaking. Always keep an eye on your water account for any unexpected increases or decreases in rates. A substantial rise is frequently the result of a leak. Examine the flooring beneath a toilet and listen for the sound of flowing water. Regrettably, it is not always simple to verify that the commode functions effectively. Consult an experienced specialist if you suspect a leak.
3. In the event of an emergency, grab for your shutdown valve!
When dealing with plumbing difficulties, you'll want to locate the shutdown valve for your home's water supply. Turning off the water supply will put an end to any significant bursts. This will mean that you will be without water for an extended period, so ensure that you have everything you need before proceeding. If you have difficulty locating the valve, begin by checking in any basement or garage setting. And, as usual, exercise extreme caution around any pooled water that may contain live wires. This position can be exceedingly dangerous, with the possibility of electrocution. Plumbing Clairemont
4. It is vital to do preventative care!
It's advantageous for homeowners to have some basic understanding of preventative care in their homeownership lexicon. Cover exposed pipes before a severe frost to avoid them exploding. Conduct piping inspections by inspecting cupboards, basements, and garages. Keep a close check on your water bill for any significant hikes. When it comes to your plumbing system, an ounce of prevention is well worth the effort.
5. Drain cleaners are not necessarily a homeowner's best friend.
This may surprise many people, but drain cleaning should be handled with utmost caution. Naturally, it is a toxic material that should be kept away from children and pets. However, because it is so powerful, it may quickly cause damage to pipes and drains, resulting in an even bigger mess.
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